Every April in Las Vegas, broadcasters from all over the world take part in the largest broadcast and media trade show in North America – The National Association of Broadcasters Convention (aka NABShow). This year, 27 of our BCIT Broadcast Television students organized funding, transport, and accommodations to be able to attend the event.
Although the primary focus of the show is a trades and technology show where manufacturers from all over the world present their latest and greatest broadcast and media hardware and software, it’s also an amazing networking opportunity for the students, with 100,000 attendees from over 156 countries!
A new tool appeared on the doorstep today courtesy of our own Kemp Edmonds. The iPad hasn’t been officially released in Canada yet, however with some strong international connections, Kemp was able to acquire one of the new tablets for “evaluation”.
The video quality on the unit is outstanding, and the user interface is silky smooth, for broadcasting and viewing documents.
There are possible broadcast applications for units such as these, perhaps to replace paper that gets wasted printing scripts and rundowns such as WXFL-TV in Albany, Georgia has done.
For an educational institution, being able to view textbooks and handouts on an electronic reader makes a lot of sense when laptops would be too cumbersome.
We’re not quite at the point of requiring all students to have iPads, however we’ll certainly try and make sure that people who bring advanced technology to class will be able to utilize it as part of their studies!