Zut Alors, one of our second-year production companies has just won two awards from the Broadcast Educators Association of Canada!
“Complicity” won for best Drama.
Written and Directed by Dylan Adkins, Produced by Lauren Weidel, Edited by Justin Li, Director of Photography – Jordan Lee, Assistant Director – Courtney Dunsmoor-Farley, Audio Supervisor – Denis Falardeau.
Complicity from Zut Alors on Vimeo.
Judges’ Comments:
- Initial impression- STYLISH!
- Great sequences with good composition
- Superior use of music to create tension
- Excellent editing, music transitions/fx and timing
- Lighting was very good
- While the story was slightly campy and silly, it still grabs your attention, keeps you involved and is well constructed.
And their mockumentary, “Shadow Hands” won for Best Comedy!
Written by Denis Falardeau and Dylan Adkins, Produced by Courtney Dunsmoor-Farley, Directed by Denis Falardeau, Edited by Justin Li, Director of Photography: Jordan Lee, Assistant Director: Lauren Weidel, Audio Supervisor: Dylan Adkins.
Shadow Hands: A Mockumentary from Zut Alors on Vimeo.
Judges’ Comments:
- Great delivery- were they professional actors?
- Excellent! Drew me in after the slow beginning
- Professional Actors? Well crafted and good storytelling
- Very well done, truly enjoyed it!