Caged Children

On March 19, 2010, in Television & Video Production, by Television Faculty

Well, we don’t usually treat our own students this way, however we have no problems putting other kids in cages.  Particularly if we’re working to create a Public Service Announcement!

First up this week, and a first for our new P2-HD production cameras is a PSA for the Delta Community Animal Shelter.

Some people are unwilling or unable to deal with troublesome pets, and their first choice is to get rid of them – but you wouldn’t do that to your own children… Would you?

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2 Responses to Caged Children

  1. Kemp says:

    Cool, where can I watch the video/PSA?

  2. d_griffiths says:

    Hi Kemp,

    The commercial is due on Monday, March 29th, so we should have it posted for viewing shortly thereafter!
