As promised last week, having worked our first Skype live-hit into our BCIT Magazine show, we decided to try something a little further afield…

Gavin Day in Argentina - Live!
So with our new Skype-ability, look for us to be anywhere and everywhere!
Inexpensive realtime video streaming over IP is giving us the ability to go anywhere – and that would’ve cost tens of thousands of dollars only a few short years ago…

Live via Skype!
Last week was the first time we have used Skype to give us the ability to do “live hits” for our BCIT Magazine live production. Utilizing two laptop computers and a Panasonic DVX-100 camera, we connected our on-air talent to the control room for an insert directly into the show.
With a successful first test, we are raising the bar again this week – for a live hit from Argentina as we cover Canada’s national soccer team playing Argentina’s national team!