TEDx RenfrewCollingwood

On November 26, 2013, in Television & Video Production, by Television Faculty


We’re happy to report that the videos from the TEDx RenfrewCollingwood project that we were involved with are now live!

Head over to the TEDx RenfrewCollingwood site to check out talks from some of the amazing presenters that were featured!

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TEDx RenfrewCollingwood – From Far To Here

On October 21, 2013, in Television & Video Production, by Television Faculty

Over the weekend, BCIT’s Television & Video Production Program took part in a local, independently produced, non-profit TEDx event, including special guest speakers such as Ann Makosinski, Rup Sidhu, and Valerie Mason-John.

TEDxRenfrewCollingwood is dedicated to discovering great ideas and sharing them with the rest of the world. The TEDxRenfrewCollingwood stage will bring unique thinkers together in a platform for sharing wisdom and experiences. It is a chance to welcome interesting people into the community and to  showcase and celebrate the dynamic ideas which exist in Renfrew-Collingwood and in Vancouver.

Together with Faculty and Alumni, first and second year Television students produced the HD event video, which will be edited and sent to the TEDx parent organization for inclusion on their website (links to follow when it goes live).

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