BCIT & Winter Weather

On November 21, 2010, in Broadcast, by Television Faculty

In preparation for severe weather in the coming weeks, BCIT has communication methods in place to keep students and staff informed and updated.

In the event of severe weather conditions that may affect BCIT campuses, bcit.ca will be updated by 6am on weekday mornings and information revised as the situation changes. If there are any campus closures, an alert will also be sent to staff and students registered to receive BCIT Alert messages.

If you are not registered to receive BCIT Alerts, register here.

As an alternative to checking the website, you may also call the BCIT switchboard at 604.434.5734 for campus closure updates.

In cases of severe weather, we advise the use of appropriate footwear on campus, as travel routes and parking may be modified given the snow conditions.

Thank you,

Glen Magel
Safety, Security, and Emergency Management

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