This week in beer

On February 5, 2011, in Television & Video Production, by Television Faculty

This semester our first-year students will be producing 16 thirty-second commercial spots over the next couple of months (2 per week).  The goal is to train students in the entire production process, from pitching an idea, right through to production and post.  This isn’t all about just running out the door with a camera and shooting, but about the planning, logistics that need to go into making a production happen.

By strange coincidence, the first two commercials this year are alcohol-related!

For a bit of background, each student production company (usually group of 5) is required to produce two 30-second commercials this term, and we stipulate that at least one of them must be a real client (to give the project a bit more of a reality-check).

First up was a project for Heineken Beer which illustrates the old saying about, boy meets girl, boy chooses the wrong beer, other boy who chooses the “right” beer gets the girl.

Second up, was a spot for Industry Bar & Grill in Richmond selling on the idea that no matter what might happen by accident, it’s all good for this bar’s patrons!

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jack Zhang, BCIT TV & Video Prod. BCIT TV & Video Prod said: New post, This week in beer – […]