Variety Show of Hearts Telethon

On February 18, 2012, in Television & Video Production, by Television Faculty

Many alumni of the Television & Video Production Program work on the annual Variety Show of Hearts Telethon, and we usually arrange a tour for our students so they can see what goes into the “behind the scenes” production of the event.

Visiting the set is a great chance for our first-year students to begin making industry connections with the production staff (many of whom work at Global Television, ProShow, and many local industry freelancers)…

This group of first-year TV students (posing with one of our TV instructors, who also works the event yearly), started off by touring the production Saturday morning, and subsequently volunteered, or were hired – doing everything from PA’ing and working with the producers, to studio camera for the live show…

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Proshow Tour

On June 29, 2010, in Television & Video Production, by Television Faculty

The Television & Video Production faculty had an opportunity today to go and visit with Tim Lewis, the president of Proshow Vancouver.

Tim is a member of our broadcast advisory committee and offered us a chance to drop by and see what was new in the way of their mobile production vehicles, as well as some purpose-built equipment for doing mobile and event productions (something we’re keen to do more of!)

One of the most impressive things about seeing the Proshow operation is the attention to detail – a good model for students!

We’re going to try and get some students more involved with Proshow, and we are already working to train students in the types of skills that are required for live event production.

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